Geranium (Bourbon)


geranium bourbon 

Botanical Name Amount Price £
Pelargonium ssp
5ml 9.20
Country of Origin 10ml 16.63
Reunion 25ml 33.04
Colour 50ml 48.16
Pale green to olive 100ml 75.15
Odour 250g 137.13
Sweet, floral, warm, raw and sharp 500g 250.51
Source 1Kg 435.92
Flowering tops  
General Description
Geraniums comes in all colours and types and this is why it is difficult when naming species to be accurate. They are all pelargoniums, but the specific name tends to get lost as farmers grow the ones that produce the best foliage and the higher yield of oil. Bourbon geranium was originally grown on the Bourbon Isles hence the name. It is still grown there but in a limited amount so it is always in short supply. The oil is probably the sweetest of the geranium oils and is in demand for perfumery. Sometimes known as rose-geranium
  All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT. We will be happy to quote for larger quantities. Prices are subject to change without notice due to seasonal availability of some of these natural products