


Botanical Name Amount Price £
Achillea millefolium 2.5ml 8.22
Country of Origin 5ml 14.45
Bulgaria 10ml 26.14
Colour 25ml 51.92
Pale blue 50ml 75.68
Odour 100ml 118.10
Cool, fresh, floral, medicinal and slightly balsamic 250g 215.50
500g 393.67
Source 1kg 678.73
Leaves and flowers  
General Description
This is really one of the most remarkable plants. It is universal, grows quietly and sweetly, propagating by creeping roots and seeds and giving every roadside a spurge of white, pink and violet every year. The Chinese have used the stalks for divination for thousands of years. Used in Elizabethan England as a medicine it is one of the common plants of the world which requires a book to be written about its contribution to humanity. It has undergone something of a renaissance on its adoption by aromatherapists. Like Camomile, the plant is popular in medicine and herbal teas. It is deeper blue than Roman Camomile, which is due to azulene present in the plant, but is produced during steam distillation. Only produced in small quantities
  All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT. We will be happy to quote for larger quantities. Prices are subject to change without notice due to seasonal availability of some of these natural products