


Botanical Name Amount Price £
Melissa officinalis
10ml 3.53
Country of Origin 25ml 7.01
(1) RCO France (2) True Morocco 50ml 10.22
Colour 100ml 15.94
Pale lemon 250g 29.10
Odour 500g 53.10
Strong, lemony, citral and slightly sweet 1kg 91.63
(1) Natural Geranium (2) Whole herb
General Description
This is the well-known garden herb, Bee Balm or Lemon Balm. It makes a nice lemon tea by infusion and grows easily in the garden. The yield in oil is very small, around 0.2% so that there are 2 forms on the market - the pure natural oil and the reconstructed oil (or RCO). The 'natural' has been grown in Wales, Ireland, Morocco and elsewhere but the high price precludes it being bought. Most 'Melissa' oils are reconstructed, either using natural components or synthetic compounds. It is one of the most interesting oils but with limited use in aromatherapy
  All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT. We will be happy to quote for larger quantities. Prices are subject to change without notice due to seasonal availability of some of these natural products